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Adoption of innovative energy services by residential consumers: agent-based modelling approach


Nowadays electricity consumers may play an active role in sustainable development of  the power system. They may participate in the energy market by adopting to a range of innovative energy services (IES). Among these services we may distinguish, e.g.: renewable energy sources, green and dynamic electricity tariffs or smart metering information systems. The literature survey shows that although the perspectives of consumer activity in the energy market are quite impressive, most of the consumers are not aware of them or they are just uninterested and disengaged.

The complexity of consumers’ decisions regarding adoption of IES may be described and explained by the means of agent-based modeling (ABM). ABM allows to analyse the interactions between agents on the micro-level and draw some conclusions regarding the diffusion of an innovative service on the macro-level.

In the presentation the basics of ABM will be explained on the example of consumers’ adoption decisions towards IES. The role of social influence as well as the impact of some economic and psychological attributes of the consumers on the adoption rate will be explored.


Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska received  the M.Sc. degree in management from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland in 2001 and the Ph.D. degree in technical science – electrical power systems, from the same University in 2006.  Since 2010 she is an assistant professor at Faculty of Computer Science and Management, Department of Operations Research. Anna has an experience in the energy market and economy. Her last papers are devoted to modeling diffusion and adoption of innovative goods in the energy market (e.g. dynamic electricity tariffs) as well as to social acceptance of these goods by the electricity consumers. She is also interested in distributed generation and its integration with the power system. She is a reviewer for JCR listed journals. She participated in realization of a few national or EU grants.