CIED ended in February 2019. This website is now archived and will be no longer updated.

Energy and Economic Growth – Professor Tim Foxon’s book launch

Energy and Economic Growth: Why we need a new pathway to prosperity‘ by Professor Tim Foxon

Chair: Professor Johan Schot

Discussant: Professor Carlota Perez

Room 118, Jubilee Building, SPRU, University of Sussex

(the book launch is followed by a drinks reception in Jubilee 115)



energyThis event will mark the launch of a new book providing historical and ecological perspectives on the current challenge of a transition to a low carbon economy by Professor Tim Foxon, Professor of Sustainability Transitions at SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit), University of Sussex, UK.

The book examines the role of access to new sources of energy and their efficient conversion to provide useful work as drivers of economic growth since the industrial revolution. To meet national and international targets for reducing carbon emissions, Western countries now need to radically transform their energy systems, and the book examines the challenges of doing this in a sustainable and equitable way. This requires understanding of the dynamics of economic and industrial change with appreciation of the dependence of economies on ecological systems.

Energy and Economic Growth examines the links between three issues: history of energy sources, technologies and uses; ecological challenges associated with the current dominant economic growth paradigm; and the future low carbon energy transition to mitigate human-induced climate change. Providing a historical understanding of the relevant connections between physical, social and economic changes, the book aims to help the reader to better understand the connection between their own energy use and global economic and environmental systems, and to be able to ask the right questions of our political and business leaders.

Copies of the books will be available to buy with an exclusive20% DISCOUNT for everyone attending the event.


6.00 Welcome – Prof. Johan Schot, Director of SPRU

6.05 Talk: Energy and Economic Growth: Why we need a new pathway to prosperity by Prof. Tim Foxon

6.45 Response by Prof. Carlota Perez, Honorary Professor, SPRU

7.00 Questions and answers with audience

7.30 Close and move to Jubilee 115 for drinks reception (copies of the book will be sold there)