CIED ended in February 2019. This website is now archived and will be no longer updated.

The UK’s Climate Change Act – driving the transition to a low-carbon economy


The Climate Change Act was passed in 2008 and sets the overall policy framework for long-term decarbonisation in the UK. It set a long-term target of at least an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 compared to 1990, a series of carbon budgets to reach this target, and an independent Committee on Climate Change to provide advice and monitor progress. This presentation will explain in further detail the role of the Committee, current targets and the UK’s progress so far, and key challenges for the future.   


Owen Bellamy is a Senior Analyst at the Committee on Climate Change (the UK government’s official independent advisory body on climate change issues established under the Climate Change Act). He leads the work for the Committee on economy-wide analysis and cross-cutting issues, as well as EU climate policy, aviation and shipping. He has an MSc in Environmental Economics from UCL, and a BSc in Economics from the University of Warwick.