CIED ended in February 2019. This website is now archived and will be no longer updated.
Research Fellow, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford

Dr Debbie Hopkins is a departmental research lecturer at the Transport Studies Unit and the School of Geography and the Environment, and a Junior Research Fellow in Geography at Mansfield College, University of Oxford. Debbie has a master’s degree (with distinction) from King’s College London, and a PhD from the University of Otago. Debbie joined the TSU in 2016 as a research fellow, and previously worked as a research fellow on the Energy Cultures II research programme at the Centre for Sustainability (New Zealand). She also completed postdoctoral training at the Centre for Sustainability and the Otago Climate Change Network (OCCNet), University of Otago. Debbie is a human geographer, with research expertise in socio-spatial interpretations and experiences of environmental issues. Her research is broadly concerned with the social dimensions of climate change, the social practice of mobilities, and low-carbon transitions. Debbie has published widely on these topics, and in 2016, co-edited a book on Low Carbon Mobility Transitions.


shipping containers stacked
The energy implications of automated and smart freight mobility

What are the expected impacts of automated vehicles and smart mobility on energy demand in UK freight transport? How are these technological innovations legitimised by industry, policymakers and other actors? This project aims to find out.



On the cusp of a driverless transition?

Blog by Dr Debbie Hopkins (Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford).   Nissan Autonomous Drive Vehicle. Image by Norbert Aepli. Shared under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.   There is a great deal of excitement about the potential of driverless vehicles (also called self-driving, autonomous, connected and autonomous …