Invited to speak at Future Earth & International Social Science Council webinar on the IPCC's 1.5C Report, 31 October 2016
Frank Geels was invited to speak at a webinar on ‘The IPCC’s 1.5C Report: critical opportunities for social science to shape the future’. The webinar was organised by Future Earth and the International Social Science Council.
Paper presented at SPRU 50th Anniversary Conference
Frank Geels presented a paper at the SPRU 50th Anniversary Conference on ‘Towards a new innovation theory for grand societal challenges’ (co-author: Schot, J.).
Paper presented at 4S/EASST Conference
Frank Geels presented a paper on ‘Multi-level analysis of German and UK low-carbon electricity transitions (1990-2014)’ (co-authors: Kern, F., Fuchs, F. and Hinderer,N.) at the 4S/EASST conference in Barcelona.
Keynote presentation at the IPCC Scoping Meeting
Frank Geels gave a keynote presentation at the IPCC Scoping Meeting for the Special Report on 1.5 °C global warming. The meeting took place in Geneva on 15-18 August, 2016. The talk was titled ‘Socio-technical transitions and system innovation: Insights from sociology of innovation and evolutionary economics’.
Keynote speech at the 28th Annual Conference of the Academia Europaea
Frank Geels was keynote speaker at the 28th Annual Conference of the Academia Europaea on 27-29 June at Cardiff University. His talk was titled ‘System innovation and sustainability transitions: A socio-technical perspective’.
Keynote lecture at the 2016 Berlin Conference on ‘Global Transformative Climate Governance après Paris’
Frank Geels gave a keynote lecture at the Berlin Conference on ‘Global Transformative Climate Governance après Paris’ on 23-24 May. His talk was titled ‘Global climate governance and socio-technical transformation: Is the Paris agreement enough?’.
Talk at the annual seminar of the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency
Frank Geels was invtied to give a talk at the annual seminar of the Scientific Committee of the European Environmental Agency. The seminar focused on ‘Knowledge for sustainability transitions’ and took place in Copenhagen on 18 May 2016. Prof Geels’ talk was on ‘Transitions in socio-technical systems: Innovation and technology’.
Keynote speech at Climate-KIC Innovator Catalyst event in Birmingham
Frank Geels gave a keynote speech on ‘Understanding the dynamics of transitions: Introducing the Multi-Level Perspective, illustrated with the German electricity transition, 1990-2014’ on 18 November 2015.
Manchester Policy Week event ‘On the Home Front: The Challenges of Reducing Household Energy Use’
‘On the Home Front: The Challenges of Reducing Household Energy Use’ was a three-part event organised as part of Manchester Policy Week in November 2015. The afternoon of discussions started with a workshop facilitated by Dr Victoria Johnson. It allowed participants to explore the issue of household energy demand reduction from a range of perspectives. The workshop was followed by an Energy Networking Reception, an informal networking opportunity for students and staff of Manchester University as well as energy practitioners. The evening was rounded off with a BBC Question Time-style debate featuring CIED researcher Mari Martiskainen, Manchester-based architect Marianne Heaslip, Councillor Kate Chappell and CEO of Good Energy Juliet Davenport. The panel dabated issues surrounding the question how social sciences can help us understand and contribute to effective energy consumption reduction policies. You can read about the event on the Sustainable Consumption Institute
Keynote at 1st Symposium of the Innovation for Sustainable Development Network (inno4sd)
Frank gave a talk on ‘The role of eco-innovation in the transformation process towards a green economy’ at the 1st Symposium of the Innovation for Sustainable Development Network (inno4sd), which took place in Brussels on 3-4 November.
'Transition to a circular economy’ stakeholder workshop keynote
The workshop was organised by the European Environment Agency and took place in Copenhagen on 29-30 October. Frank’s keynote was on ‘Understanding transition processes: With applications to circular economy’.
Keynote at ABIS Annual Colloquium on ‘Global Sustainability Strategy: New models and approaches to achieve sustainable living’
The event took place in Milan on 19-21 October 2015 and was organised by the Academy of Business in Society (ABIS). Frank Geels was invited to talk about ‘System innovation and sustainability transitions: Dynamics and strategic implications’.
Paper presentation at IST Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton
From 25-28 August 2015, Viki Johnson and Frank Geels presented their paper on ‘Adoption, upscaling, replication/circulation, and societal embedding: Four theoretical models of technology diffusion, applied to biomass district heating in Austria (1980-2015)’, at the 6th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, Brighton, UK
Presentation at Climate-KIC Summerschool, Frankfurt, Germany
On 24th August, Frank Geels gave a presentation for presentation for Climate-KIC Summerschool, Frankfurt, Germany, entitled ‘The multi-level perspective on transitions: Illustrated with the German electricity transition (1990-2014)’
Keynote speaker at the 'Our Common Future Under Climate Change' conference, Paris
From 7-10th July 2015, Frank Geels was invited as a keynote speaker at the “Our Common Future Under Climate Change” conference, at UNESCO head office, Paris, to give a talk on ‘System innovations and socio-technical transitions’.
Presentation at Carbon-Coop
In spring 2015, Viki Johnson presented her ‘Distributing Power’ work at the
Carbon-Coop (a Manchester-based cooperative focussed on domestic demand reduction) strategy day, and at a kick-off meeting for the Carbon-Coop’s Horizon 2020 project on community aggregation.
Interview on 'Overcoming resistance in the transition to sustainability' with the European Commission
On 24th February 2015, Professor Frank Geels was interviewed by a journalist from the ‘Eco-Innovation Action Plan’ at the European Commission. Read the interview ‘
Overcoming resistance in the transition to sustainability‘
Research seminar at Sustainability Research Network, Manchester Metropolitan University
On 2 December 2014, Frank Geels attended a research seminar at the Sustainability Research Network, Manchester Metropolitan University, entitled ‘The role of of large firms and industries in addressing grand societal challenges: The DILC Model’)
Presentation at 10th anniversary conference of CIRCLE, Sweden
On 27 November, 2014, Frank Geels gave a presentation at the 10th anniversary conference of CIRCLE (Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy), Lund, Sweden. The title of Frank’s presentation was ‘Socio-technical transitions and climate change: Challenges for innovation studies’; materials to download will follow shortly.
Presentation at expert conference ‘Lessons from the shale gas revolution’, San Francisco, US
On 29-30 January, 2015, Frank Geels gave a presentation at an expert conference on ‘Lessons from the shale gas revolution’, organised by The Breakthrough Institute, San Francisco, USA. The title of Frank’s presentation was ‘Energy technologies in a socio-technical perspective’; materials to download will follow shortly.
Keynote lecture on the transition to low carbon energy, Saudi Arabia
Frank Geels gave the Keynote lecture at an international conference on ‘National Economy: Challenges and Ambitions’, 22-24 April, 2014, organized by King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The title of Frank’s presentation was ‘The arduous transition to low-carbon energy: A multi-level analysis of renewable electricity niches and resilient regimes’
Download the presentation The arduous transition to low carbon energy [PPTX 2.62MB]
Presentation on technological reorientation for sustainability, Manchester
On 7 May 2014, Frank Geels gave a presentation ‘Technological reorientation for sustainability: A dialectic industry-in-context perspective’ to the international ‘Innovation 4 Sustainability’ network, Manchester, UK.
Download the presentation Technical reorientation for sustainability [PPTX 2.79MB]
Expert workshop on policy support for energy transitions, London
Frank Geels gave a presentation ‘Understanding barriers to transition in the multi-level perspective (MLP)’), presentation at expert workshop held 12-13 May, 2014, on ‘Policy support for energy transitions: Where is public money best spent?’, Held in London, it was organized by KAPSARC (King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center).
Download the presentation Understanding barriers to transition in the MLP [PPT 1.19MB]
Keynote lecture on Innovation and Sustainability, Brazil
On 22 August, 2014, Frank Geels gave a keynote lecture at an international workshop on ‘Innovation & Sustainability’, organised by Universidade Positivo, Curitiba, Brazil (title: Socio-technical transitions to sustainability: The multi-level perspective and policy implications’
Frank Geels presents two papers at International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, Netherlands
Frank Geels presented two papers at the at the 5
th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, Utrecht, Netherlands (27-29 August, 2014):
1) ‘Regime resistance against low-carbon energy transitions: Introducing politics and power in the multi-level perspective’,
2) ‘A critical appraisal of Sustainable Consumption and Production research: The reformist, revolutionary and transition agendas’
Lecture at Climate-KIC Summer School, Germany
On 2 September, 2014 Frank Geels gave a lecture at the Climate-KIC Summerschool in Frankfurt, Germany ‘Transitions thinking and the multi-level perspective: Deepening, broadening and scaling up’