CIED ended in February 2019. This website is now archived and will be no longer updated.

So what if there were a larger and more sustained energy efficiency effort across the economy, what would be the impact

Briefings and reports

energy efficiencyThere is growing interest among policy makers internationally in the multiple benefits of energy efficiency. The benefits of improved energy efficiency are not limited to energy/emissions savings, security and affordability, which are usually the targets of energy efficiency policy. Impacts of energy efficiency measures also include potential economic and social benefits ranging from GDP growth, employment and public budgets to reduced (energy and absolute) poverty and improved population health. The original work carried out by the IEA researchers (see over), and now being developed by Centre for Energy Policy (CEP) and the Fraser of Allander Institute at the University of Strathclyde argues that these wider economic and social benefits should be taken into account when evaluating an energy efficiency policy. These benefits ultimately derive from the fact that energy efficiency increases disposable household income and thus benefits the wider economy as a whole. What economic modelling can demonstrate and explore further is the economy-wide picture of economic growth and increasing employment which flows from the
initial energy efficiency actions.

Read more about ‘Energy saving innovations and economy wide rebound effects‘.