CIED ended in February 2019. This website is now archived and will be no longer updated.

Can energy efficiency deliver on its promises?

This post is by Paul Brockway, research fellow at the University of Leeds. He examines roles and relationships between energy, economy and society as part of UKERC’s research programme. This blog was initially published on the Green Alliance Blog. Energy efficiency is often seen as a win-win: falling energy use benefits consumers and the environment, whilst …

cars in traffic

Rebound effects in UK transport

While the fuel efficiency of passenger and freight transport has improved, it may have unintentionally increased the number of cars on the road or encouraged the development of larger, more powerful vehicles. What is the nature and magnitude of these rebound effects and their policy implications?

Energy Efficiency may lead to increased energy consumption in China

Improvements in China’s energy efficiency may be associated with increased energy consumption, a new study has found. The study used an exergy-based approach to estimate the rebound effect at the national level. The analysis showed that in China, improvements in energy efficiency may be associated with increased levels of energy consumption overall – so-called “backfire”.  …

How good is your model? Quantifying quality research

Our latest EPSRC-funded research carried out in CIED (and led by SPRU, Sussex) has something new to say about the testing of statistical models. Available now in the journal Energy Economics and authored by Lee Stapleton, Steve Sorrell and Tim Schwanen, you can access the paper here The paper estimates the so-called ‘direct rebound effect’ associated …

How Scotland could make the most of its energy efficiency policies (and why the rebound effect could be a good thing)

CIED project partners at the Centre for Energy Policy (CEP) at University of Strathclyde together with Climate XChange recently held an event ‘How Scotland could make the most of its energy efficiency policies’. Hosted by the Scottish Government, the event presented insights from recent CEP research, including work on household energy efficiency and rebound effects. …