CIED ended in February 2019. This website is now archived and will be no longer updated.

Paula Kivimaa writes for for ‘Energy Researchers Finland’ on energy saving in housing.

Paula Kivimaa of the Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand wrote an article recently for ‘Energy Researchers Finland arguing a need for energy services integrating energy saving and renewable energy measures into both new and existing housing stock, drawing on previous research as well as her personal experience as a homeowner and renter Finland and the UK. She points out that energy service business models targeting households are rare, outlining some key challenges and barriers for this. You can read the full article here: ‘Is there an emerging market for energy services targeting households and why should there be?’ (no longer online)

Photograph of paula kivimaa

Dr Paula Kivimaa

Paula Kivimaa is a Senior Research Fellow at SPRU, Senior Researcher at the Finnish Environment Institute and has an affiliation of Docent at Aalto University, Finland. She has over ten years’ experience in research dealing with the interface between environmental innovations and climate, energy, transport and environmental policies. Her recent research is focused on analysing transport and energy policy as well as intermediary organisations from the perspective of sustainability transitions. She has experience in managing several projects funded by Finnish research funding agencies. She has published scientific articles in journals such as Research Policy, Environmental Policy and Governance, Environmental Politics, Journal of Cleaner Production, and Transport Geography as well as research reports issued, for example, by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Partnership for European Environmental Research