What new research avenues on policy mixes are being explored? A workshop brought together an international group of researchers from the fields of innovation studies and policy studies to discuss this question. Senior CIED researchers Dr Karoline Rogge and Dr Florian Kern, jointly with Prof Michael Howlett (Burnaby Mountain Chair, Department of Political Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada and Yong Pung How Chair Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore), organised a workshop on ‘Policy Mixes for Sustainability Transitions’ held in Pelham House in Lewes from 1-3rd of February 2017. This activity was part of the RCUK funded Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand‘s cross-cutting project on Policy Synergies and Trade-offs for low energy innovation.
The workshop programme included 16 paper presentations on topics such as how:
- to delineate policy mixes,
- to improve policy mix design,
- to evaluate policy mixes; and
- policy mixes evolve over time.
In addition, Prof Ben Martin (SPRU, editor of Research Policy) talked about the importance of the subject for innovation studies and gave practical advice to participants on how to get published in Research Policy.
The presented papers will be submitted to Research Policy as part of a special issue on policy
mixes for sustainability transitions in April 2017 which is guest edited by Dr Rogge, Dr Kern and Prof Howlett.
Please get in touch with Florian Kern (f.kern@sussex.ac.uk) if you are interested in being kept up to date with the progress of this special issue or if you want to find out more about our work on policy mixes for low energy innovation.
Photo Credit to: Christian Heilmann ‘Innovation Drive’. All Creative Commons.