Last week showed that the full impacts of climate change are approaching us faster than thought before. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 degrees sending a message that we need to act now, not tomorrow. The previous plan to curtail global temperature change to 2 …
Tag: Intermediaries
Warm Homes for All: how do we speed up the uptake of retrofits?
Highlights from CIED/ACE roundtable event by Nora Blascsok Making our homes as comfortable and aesthetically pleasing as possible is an aspiration of many. However, not enough people realise that measures to make their homes more energy efficient can also deliver these outcomes. How do we make sure people know about this and care? What is …
Intermediation and policy development in UK low energy housing
A new article by CIED researchers explores the interaction between the UK’s low energy housing policy and intermediation.
Improving the UK’s housing stock needs more than energy efficiency champions, says new report
If low-energy buildings are to become more widespread, new policy drivers will be crucial say researchers based at CIED at the University of Sussex.
Intermediaries and champions: the unsung heroes of low energy housing
By Mari Martiskainen and Paula Kivimaa Have you ever wanted to see what it’s like inside a low energy home? In Brighton you can, through Eco Open Houses, an event showcasing the latest ideas and practices in low energy, sustainable homes. The event is not only a boon for those who enjoy the opportunity to …
Driving innovation in low-energy buildings: key lessons from experience in the UK and Europe
Paula Kivimaa & Mari Martiskainen Buildings use around 40% of our total energy consumption and account for over 30% of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions, but innovative building concepts – such as passive houses, zero-carbon buildings and whole house retrofits – are not yet widely used by the construction and renovation industry. How can we accelerate …
Low Energy Housing Innovations and the role of Intermediaries (LEHII)
How have innovations in whole house retrofits and zero carbon new build houses developed in the UK? What role do intermediaries play in facilitating and governing transitions to low energy housing?
CIED research on low energy housing highlighted in a joint workshop with Energy Saving Trust
A workshop shared findings from a CIED research project, which focuses on how intermediary organisations can facilitate low energy housing projects.
Intermediary actors in low energy transitions
Intermediary actors can be crucial for bringing about low energy transitions. This blog explores what they are and provides some key insights about intermediaries in low energy transitions. It has long been recognised that changing the way we produce and use energy is of crucial importance to tackle the challenges related to depleting fuel resources and …
The UK market for energy service contracts is growing
New CIED research suggests energy service contracts are growing rapidly in the UK public sector, delivering substantial energy and carbon savings.
Innovation supporting intermediaries needed in advancing low energy building and housing
The emergence of new innovations and their diffusion is extremely important in the field of low energy building and housing. As buildings throughout their lifecycle account for around 40% of total energy use in Europe (with over half by residential buildings), reducing the energy demand of the existing building stock and increasing non-carbon micro-generation in …